Thrive exists as a place where women can connect in a group setting for biblical teaching and in-depth conversations. Thrive strives to create a warm and welcoming environment where each woman can know and be known by others. Women are encouraged to explore and deepen their understanding of God while also cultivating new and meaningful relationships with other women. At Thrive, you can grow your faith and grow your community in your journey to find life in Christ.


Come join other ladies in small groups this summer to take one step closer to Jesus. Study topics vary by group. Once you register, your group leader will contact you with more information.

Morning Short Pump Group

A Thursday morning group that will read Bible study articles written by Anne Graham Lotz to help us better understand what God’s Word says about a few of the topics that affect our everyday lives and how we can learn to deal with them in ways that honor God and draw us closer to Jesus.

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Morning Richmond Group

A Thursday morning group that will study what Jesus says about prayer! Matthew, Luke, John and more. We will share prayer requests and be able to pray together.

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Morning Glen Allen Group

A Thursday morning group that will go through the Bible study authored by Jennie Allen: Find Your People… Building Deep Community in a Lonely World.

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Morning Midlothian Group

A Monday morning group that will go through the study The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer - video series on Right Now Media.

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Morning Short Pump Group

A Thursday morning group. We will meet and go through a short devotional scripture and then walk 3 miles in Wyndham. The group will return, have light refreshments and pray.

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Morning Glen Allen/Short Pump Group

A Thursday morning group that will begin in August. This group will study lessons from Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Morning West End Group

A Thursday morning group that will go through Stuck, a video Bible study by Jennie Allen. So many of us live stuck. In this journey, we'll take an honest look at the fight going on inside, leading us to God who has a plan to restore us.

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Evening Glen Allen Group

A Thursday evening group that will go through the Bible study authored by Jennie Allen: Find Your People… Building Deep Community in a Lonely World.

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Evening Midlothian Group

A Thursday evening group that will study women in the Bible.

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If you have any questions about the upcoming semester or would like to explore ways you can serve at Thrive, feel free to reach out by email and we'd love to connect with you.